Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Shopaholic Movie

i just came back from tgk movie COAS @ GSC, Midvalley!!!!!!!!!!!! bestnyeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

just a short story about shopaholic nie....
well, i went to watch this movie with my two buddies...and i just remembered! i lah org yg introduce dorang this shopaholic series. it was like 6-7 years ago! muahahahahaha......

well, they used to be my customers time i ada 'rent a book shop' di plaza mont' kiara! i paksa dorang beli these series, the whole set (masa tu dok sibuk soh i recomend buku apa nak baca)......and one of them remembered my words pada dorang time tu...."nanti kalau korang dh baca, mesti addicted punye, sampai kalau bawak kete & berhenti time lampu merah sure nak baca jugak buku ni sbb korang mesti eager nak baca buku nie sampai abis".... & i laughed & told them...."see i told u so....!" hehehehe

& they still keep those novels yg dorang beli from me! kenangan tu.....*wink wink*

Monday, March 30, 2009

Jam Dipakainye

aduhhhhhhh....payahnye nak paksa dia pakai jam yg aku bagi tu!!!! ini pun pakai kejap je...setelah aku paksa, pujuk, rayu...etc etc....cepat2 aku ambik gambo nie.....kekekekeke

B'day Present from xox

muahahaha...lawak betul xox aku sorang nie! nak buat suprise ler konon2nye...ada 2 perkara yg mencuit hati aku

1. ada ke dia p beli perfume for men utk aku sempena b'day aku? aduhhhhhhh
2. konon2 nak buat suprise nak buat delivery bunga kat aku time aku tgh berbisnes kat pwtc...skali dia p kasik salah no booth kat kedai bunga tu! nasib baik mamat delivery tu call aku! kalau x, mau makcik kat booth tu terpinga2 dpt bunga! muahahaha

tapi paling best....*tooooooooooot*!!! hehehe...hadiah palinggggggggggggg best buat aku!
sorryler...aku terlupa nak ambik gambo bunga tu, bile dh layu baru teringat! muahahahhaaha

ps: nie aku buat secara summary...citer lebih2 x bole ek! kekekekeke

New Arrivals

Collections aku dh tiba (from rona of course) tapi unfortunately aku kena let go! sob! sob!


@ Persidangan UMNO (23 - 28 Mac).....lagi hampeh!!!kenangan paling teruk selama aku meniaga! terasa ditipu, ditindas dsbnye!!! sob...sob...

@ 3K Inn Bazaar (sucks!!!! the organizer mmg hampeh. ramai protest and mintak duit balik! i was one of them...hehehehe). supposedly bazaar ni utk 3 hari tapi on sunday ramai dh tutup booth sebab ramai vendor x puashati cara organizer buat....:D

these are summary utk 'bisnes' aku! muahahahaha.....nampak gayanye aku ni kena mandi bunga dulu b4 buat business balik! muahahahahaha

Saturday, March 14, 2009

A:fair Weekend

just wanna have fun! aku try participate (chooseforless items) di a:fair weekend @ showru, kj on 14 mac 09. well, crowd xde (sale pun cukup2 makan je) but we had great times there!

ini gambar my lil' nieces (anak sepupu) tolong2 jaga aunty dia nye gerai (kasik duit poket tau) whilst aunty dia g keje & dating! kekekeke...

aku p kasik dorang duit poket awal2! tau2 je bile aku dtg balik dorang dh p shopping beg (bargain punye bargain dorang kata dptler rm10 satu beg, rugi lak aku x ambik gambar beg2 yg dorang beli tu!) ...kemain lagi dorang nie! kekekeke

ps: next event will be di 3K Inn Bazaar, Subang, Persidangan UMNO @ PWTC & Flea Market @ Armanee Condo...gosh!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Blogshops (for new & used High-end bags)

so far, these blogs/dotcom yg menarik minatku...

  1. http://ilovebranded.blogspot.com
  2. http://gurlsonlinestore.blogspot.com
  3. http://bag-aholics.blogspot.com
  4. http://fashionablebargains.blogspot.com
  5. http://euphoria.aekayaya.com
  6. http://wiffy-salesblog.blogspot.com
  7. http://www.coachnmuchmore.blogspot.com
  8. http://authenticdesignershandbags.blogspot.com
  9. http://ladyverde.blogspot.com

ada lagi x? email kat aku!!! hehehehe....

Friday, March 6, 2009


aduh..aduh....byk betul blogshops! mcm cendawan tumbuh lepas hujan....nway, aku nak try list down all blogshops yg aku suka belek & lihat (x semestinye beli)....ala2 mcm cuci2 mata, share with u guys!